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Inês Sofia Domingues Baptista
Research Projects
Schools that do better: the school achievement of the children of immigrants in public school
The central aim of the research is precisely to obtain a deeper knowledge of schools (their organization and operations, organizational climate, the practices and representations of teachers) so as to understand the specificities that contribute to the differentiation of results between schools, using pupils with a similar social profile as the staring point. As a complement to this, the study articulates extensive-quantitative and an intensive-qualitative components (multiple case study).
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Avaliação de descentralização de competências de educação para os municípios
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TEIP effects: Assessment of social and educational impacts of seven local projects included in the national program “Educational Areas of Priority Intervertion
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Qualitative exploratory survey on young workers (18-34) integrated in low skilled jobs
Through this research project, of a qualitative nature, we will seek to build knowledge on the integration of the population cohort between 18 and 34 years of age in poorly qualified and low paid employment. The specific circumstances of this position in the labour market will be studied in articulation with variables such as educational qualifications, occupational skills, labour regime and types of household. Fieldwork will be carried out in four municipalities with distinct features: Lisbon, Oporto, Setúbal and Guimarães.
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