CV Summary

José de Lemos Quintela - Lecturer at ISG - Business School and Communication Sciences research, focus on Organizational Communication and Football. Research support by the Foundation for Science and Technology in the PhD program in Communication Sciences at ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Portugal). 

DEA in Communication Sciences in 2018 at ISCTE_IUL. Master in Integrated Communication in 2012/03/13 by Instituto Superior de Novas Profissões (INP). DEA in Organizational Communication in 2005/12/19 by the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, VAlencia (Spain), and his studies on focused on Financial Communication. Degree in Public Relations and Advertising in 1990/07/31 from the INP (Lisbon / Portugal).

Throughout his 30 years of professional career he has combined the activity of lecturer and research, with the activity of management and organizational communication in different types of organizations, both as an integrated staff and as a consultant. In this path, he assumed from technical, managerial and director functions in various sectors of activity: Defense; Media and Communication; Financial; Pulp & Paper and Sports.

Media and Communications Social Sciences
Media and Communications Social Sciences