The information in this public profile may be outdated.

CV Summary

This web-page format only accounts for publications already in Web of Science. My most current results and papers are:

- (With L. Santilli) Phase transition in complex-time Loschmidt echo of short and long range spin chain, J. Stat. Mech. (2020) 063102

- (With L. Santilli) Complex (super)-matrix models with external sources and q-ensembles of Chern-Simons and ABJ(M) type. Journal of Physics A

- (With L. Santilli and Richard Szabo) Five-dimensional cohomological localization and squashed q-deformations of two-dimensional Yang-Mills theoryJ. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 36 (2020)

- (With L. Santilli) Exact equivalences and phase discrepancies between random matrix ensembles, J. Stat. Mech. (2020) 083107.

- (With D. García) Matrix models for classical groups and Toeplitz±Hankel minors with applications to Chern-Simons theory and fermionic models2020 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 53 345201.

- (With Jorge RussoMultiple phases in a generalized Gross-Witten-Wadia matrix model, 16 July 2020. J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 81 (2020) (JHEP)

- (With L. Santilli) Exact results and Schur expansions in quiver Chern-Simons-matter theories, 2nd August 2020. J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 22 (2020)

- (With L. Santilli and R. J. Szabo) $T \overline{T}$-deformation of $q$-Yang-Mills theory, 3rd September 2020, J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 86 (2020).

(With L. Santilli) Riemannian Gaussian distributions, random matrix ensembles and diffusion kernels, 30 November 2020.

NEW (With L. Santilli): Multiple phases and meromorphic deformations of unitary matrix models, 24th February 2021. Talk by Leo explaining this paper.

NEWER (With L. Santilli): Schur expansion of random-matrix reproducing kernels8th June 2021, submitted.

Also, for a more comprehensive account of my citations, see the Google Scholar page.

XVI Brunel-Bielefeld Workshop on RMT (Random Matrix Theory) and Applications on 18-19 December 2020Slides of the talk given.

A brief random sample of past talks:

Most recent: Online lecture Phase transitions, random matrices, and TT-deformation, given at the Workshop on Black Holes: BPS, BMS and Integrability at Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisboa), 7-11 September 2020.

1) Overview of random matrices, Chern-Simons, Toeplitz minors ...

- Eötvös Lórand University, Theoretical Physics seminar, 18/09/2019 Random matrix theory and Chern-Simons theory

2) Phase transitions in gauge theory:

- Video of talk (given by Leonardo Santilli) Large N phase transition and TT deformation of 2d Yang-Mills theory, Lisboa conference summer 2019. Slides

- Iberian strings 2017 at Instituto Superior Técnico, Quantum phase transition in supersymmetric QED3. Very similar talks were given as seminar at IST, SouthamptonVienna and Oviedo.

- Summer school Corfu 2014, Large N phase transitions in Supersymmetric gauge theories with massive matter Slides were ripped-off from co-author Jorge Russo.

3) Local (Portugal) talks: At Instituto Superior Técnico: String seminarTopological club seminarCEAFEL seminar, IWOTA 2019. Others (list not exhaustive): Aveiro, PortoBragança.

4) Older talks but with somewhat different material: Knots and random matrices (ICMAT, Madrid) and Spin chains and random matrices (GGI, Firenze), Brownian motion and Chern-Simons theory (legendary Les Houches). 

5) Recorded talks: Few available and either very old talk or sub-optimal presentation (compared to others afterwards). Talk: Stieltjes-Wigert polynomials and quantum topological invariants at the Newton Institute at University of Cambridge (UK) and Talk: Random matrices and Chern-Simons-matter theory at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics (NY)

Research Interests
Random matrices, quantum field theory and gauge theories, Exactly solvable models, strongly correlated systems and statistical mechanics, orthogonal polynomials and stochastic processes.
Stochastic theory of evolutionary population genetics (New research line)
Statistical learning theory and machine learning (New research line)
Mathematics Natural Sciences
Physical Sciences Natural Sciences