Artigo em revista científica Q2
Wie wird in politischen gremien entschieden? Konzeptionelle und methodische grundlagen der gremienanalyse
Anne Weihe (Weihe, A.); Tanja Pritzlaff (Pritzlaff, T.); Frank Nullmeier (Nullmeier, F.); Thilo Felgenhauer (Felgenhauer, T.); Britta Baumgarten (Baumgarten, B.);
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Politische Vierteljahresschrift
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Political decision-making in committees is a neglected area of research in political science. The paper presents theoretical principles and a set of methods for the analysis of processes by which political bindingness is established in the context of committee meetings. The empirical analysis of committee meetings as a form of interaction is based on a tripartite conception (proposal - acceptance - confirmation) of elementary acts of decision-making. The four-step analysis includes the collection and documentation of audiovisual data, a newly developed transcription system, a microanalysis of basal elements of political interaction and a process scheme.
Audiovisual data analysis,Committees,Political bindingness,Political interaction
  • Ciências Políticas - Ciências Sociais