Research Projects
Network Voices: Women's participation in development processes
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Reform of the quota law in order to implement effective participation of women in the election of 2018
Individual Expertise Mission Under an International Cooperation Project N° 2018-EI-043-16GDH0C167-REFORMA-LEY-CUOTAS. Object of the individual expertise mission: “Reform of the quota law in order to implement effective participation of women in the election of 2018”.  Colaboração no âmbito do Programa de Cooperação entre a América Latina e a União Europeia, da Comissão Europeia, EUROsociAL+, para apoiar a Secretaria Nacional de Políticas para as Mulheres (SNPM) no Brasil. Entidade financiadora: Expertise France, Agence Française d’Expertise Technique Internationale.
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