Comunicação em evento científico
Before returning I intend to achieve my goals”. Networks, strategies and the struggle for success of African migrant footballers in Europe
Nuno Oliveira (Oliveira, Nuno);
Título Evento
Conference Transgressing Boundaries: Migration and Sport, Istanbul Bilgi University, June 1-2 2023.
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This paper addresses the issue of migratory mobilities in football, dwelling specifically on African footballers’ migration to Portugal. Throughout its history, Portuguese football, although with different intensities and dynamics, has been marked by several migratory flows. Taking a relational approach, this paper discusses African football players’ mobility, setting the theme in post-colonial migrations and the relationship between Portugal and its former colonies. Based on qualitative research collected within the scope of a European project on the integration of African players in Europe, this paper raises the issue of power networks that are established in the country of origin and in the host country; the recruitment structures of these players; the motivations to migrate; and finally, the ways of coping with failed projects due to the impossibility of succeeding in the highly competitive world of football.
sports migrations,football,networks,globalization
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
622658-EPP-1-2020-1-TR-SPO-SCP European Commission