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Democracy and citizens’ political engagement have been long-lasting policy goals of the European Union’s standards and values. The European Commission has established a new push for democracy as one of its priorities for 2019-2024, intending to foster democratic governance and civic participation. However, these objectives are challenging in light of transnational repression and the lack of policy tools for migrant protection in host societies across Western democracies, the primary recipients of human rights defenders.  However, the E.U. has overlooked the rapid change in more vibrant forms of migrant political activism and how authoritarian governments control their diasporas abroad. There is a knowledge gap in understanding transnational repression’s gendered effects on receiving countries’ political environment. WomenACT-REPinHOST advances global discussions on migrants’ rights by analysing Latin American women activists’ practices of resistance to transnational authoritarian rule. It also discusses how they could be best supported by international organisations and host countries’ democratic institutions. The proposed action aims at enhancing three career objectives: acquiring scientific and transferable skills in Gender Studies and Psychosocial Research (short-term); securing a permanent academic position in the E.U. (mid-term) and; developing an independent career path as a gender consultant in human rights international organisations (long-term). These objectives will be accomplished through an individually tailored research and career development plan. The methodology includes a literature review and fieldwork research based on in-depth interviews, online non-participant observation and focus groups with LAC female activists and organisations in the U.S. and Spain. It also focuses on dissemination strategies to target scholars, practitioners and wide audiences with deliverables such as peer-reviewed articles, conferences, podcasts, and policy briefs...
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Esta investigação dá continuidade à dissertação de mestrado “A utilização da cor em campanhas políticas: O caso das Eleições Autárquicas de 2017 no Montijo”, cujo estudo incidiu sobre a alteração cromática dos materiais gráficos dos partidos PS e PSD. Obtiveram-se indicadores relevantes sobre a cor e sua aplicação, requerendo o aprofundamento deste campo, subvalorizado nas Ciências da Comunicação. Procura-se perceber a influência da cor no despoletar de emoções e valores políticos e a consequente influência que pode ter na análise da mensagem política. Afirma-se que a mensagem política, quando apresentada em conjunto com a cor, evoca emoções no eleitor que a interpreta de acordo com o seu perfil sociodemográfico. Através de entrevistas exploratórias, este contribui para o desenvolvimento do estado da arte em Portugal e ainda criar um arquivo colaborativo de materiais gráficos políticos. As hipóteses serão testadas através de metodologia mista, com recurso a uma plataforma online e inclusiva. Orientação: Cláudia Álavares (CIES-Iscte) Filipe Montargil (ESCS-IPL)  
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The global agri-food system has transformed significantly in recent decades. Supply chains (SCs) have evolved from linear structures into complex networks with dynamic roles and behaviors. These changes have consolidated power among major food processors and retailers, leaving farmers with a smaller share of the added value of their produce [1]. This economic landscape discourages newcomers who see limited growth opportunities. Factors like climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and geopolitical events have exposed the vulnerability of Mediterranean food systems, impacting consumers' purchasing power and prompting discussions about policies for more resilient supply chains. This has reinvigorated national dialogues concerning how to best frame our policies and regulatory environment to create more diversified and resilient food SCs [2]. In this context, many rural agri-food economies, especially in MENA countries, struggle due to low incomes, unfavourable environmental conditions, ageing farmers, inefficient agricultural practices, low interest of the younger generation in agriculture, lack of manpower, and limited digital education. These issues affect their livelihoods and lead to land abandonment and degradation. Furthermore, operators located in MENA countries often work under extremely challenging conditions, with inadequate infrastructure, complicated access to credit, limited business growth opportunities, and underdeveloped policy conditions. As the frequency and magnitude of disruptions increase, food organizations of any size and individuals, particularly farmers and smallholders, need to consider a novel range of options and adopt a comprehensive strategy to build resilience and ensure the viability of their businesses and cereal SCs.
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Este projeto tem como objetivo geral a promoção da saúde mental e bem-estardos/as estudantes do Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, com base no modelo Stepped Care, desenvolvido no programa para a promoção da saúde mental no ensino superior - Programa ACCES.  Focando-se numa abordagem de promoção e prevenção, e adotando uma lógica de participação coletiva, identificam-se os seguintes objetivos específicos: 1. Desenvolvimento de atividades de promoção da saúde mental, prevenção e ajustamento (nível 1 e 2), com vista à melhoria das competências relacionadas com a literacia em saúde mental, resiliência mental e gestão de stress; 2. Reforço das respostas psicoterapêuticas e psiquiátricas para estudantes com perturbações mentais comuns de gravidade ligeira a moderada (nível 3), com vista à intervenção precoce e evitamento de patologias mais graves; 3. Fortalecimento dos mecanismos de identificação de situações de risco ou doença mental grave e o seu encaminhamento para os serviços de saúde especializados (nível 4 e 5); 4. Promoção da participação ativa da associação de estudantes no desenvolvimento, implementação e avaliação das atividades;5. Inclusão de estudantes com necessidades educativas específicas e outros grupos vulneráveis (estudantes de 1º ano, estudantes deslocados, nacionais e internacionais, estudantes beneficiários da ação social escolar, estudantes bolseiros provenientes de países PALOP, estudantes mulheres, e estudantes LGBTQIA+), de forma transversal às atividades desenvolvidas.
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The Iberian Digital Media Observatory (IBERIFIER Plus) aims to expand the ongoing activities of IBERIFIER (,the Iberian hub established in 2021 dedicated to researching and combating disinformation in Spain and Portugal. Composed of ahighly experienced and qualified consortium of 25 partners and 1 associate partner, the new hub plans to engage in fact-checking inthree languages (Portuguese, Spanish, and Catalan) while exploring artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for early disinformationdetection. It will also analyse the impacts of disinformation, particularly in the digital media ecosystem, and promote media literacy.Thus, IBERIFIER Plus covers all the key objectives of the Call, including actively engaging with EDMO, fact-checking harmfuldisinformation, conducting research on disinformation's impact on society, supporting media literacy campaigns, monitoring onlineplatform policies, and enhancing communication efforts. Aligned with the Call's focus on linguistic areas, IBERIFIER Plus' unique aspectis its ambition to expand its activities beyond Spain and Portugal, influencing the Ibero-American region, Africa, and Asia, where Spanishand Portuguese are spoken by over 800 million native speakers. Regarding impact, IBERIFIER Plus plans to employ dissemination,exploitation, and engagement strategies to ensure the effective sharing, application, and engagement of multiple stakeholders with itsresearch outcomes. Overall, IBERIFIER Plus aims to contribute to the Digital Europe Programme's objectives and EDMO strategy byaddressing disinformation challenges in Spain and Portugal, and expanding its reach beyond these two countries.
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