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Multicore fiber Applications and TeCHnologies (MATCH) is a doctoral training network funded by the European Commission, under the MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023 | Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, and proposed by a multidisciplinary and intersectoral consortium of international experts.       - MATCH directs PhD research toward multicore fibre (MCF) technology;       - MATCH aims at developing leading solution for scaling future optical fibre communication networks towards emerging information capacities, while offering the potential to lower costs, reduce power consumption and significantly boost network capacity by over tenfold;       - MATCH programme outlines a comprehensive set of research and training objectives tailored to 13 doctoral candidates (DCs);       - The cohort of DCs will be hosted by 14 partners (10 from academia and 4 from the industrial sector);       - The planned training activities of DCs include 32 secondments, 7 mini-symposiums, 3 transferable skills workshops, summer schools, and tutorials, among others.     In MATCH program, DCs will acquire expertise in diverse areas, encompassing: (i) Design and fabrication of MCFs with transmission capacities surpassing the state-of-the-art; (ii) Design and implementation of MCF components and subsystems, with a focus on optical amplifiers and switches, multiple frequency comb sources, and parallel-scalable signal processing architectures; (iii) Development and implementation of machine learning techniques for end-to-end performance optimization of MCF networks; (iv) Design and evaluation of coexistence of telecom and non-telecom signals in MCF networks. By engaging the expertise of MATCH academic and industrial partners, DCs will acquire distinct skills and knowledge to transform them to globally-minded scientists and engineers, who will help to shape Europe’s ICT future and societal wellbeing.   For more information see:
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As cidades de Lisboa e do Porto têm sido marcadas por um crescimento das populações imigrantes residentes, de que entre as quais se destacam as oriundas do Brasil, assim como por outras transformações sociais, económicas e urbanas, que se relacionam, fundamentalmente, com processos de gentrificação e turistificação. Assim, pretende-se aprofundar o conhecimento científico sobre o modo como as trajetórias laborais e habitacionais dos imigrantes de origem brasileira em Lisboa e no Porto se relacionam com os usos dos espaços urbanos, com as mobilidades e redes nas quais se envolvem em ambas as cidades, e com os seus processos de inclusão social. Partindo de uma abordagem qualitativa, relacional, de redes e de base territorial, procura-se analisar os papéis desempenhados pelas dimensões laboral e habitacional na estruturação das trajetórias biográficas dos interlocutores nas respetivas cidades.   Orientação: Lígia Ferro (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto) Rita Cachado (CIES-Iscte)
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Internationalisation of higher education (IoHE) is a prominent global trend, with a growing number of institutions and countries aiming to attract diverse student populations and enhance their international outlook. While Europe has made significant progress in this regard, there is still considerable variation in the level of internationalisationamong higher education institutions within individual countries. This project will focus on IoHE in Portugal, a ‘catching-up’ country when compared to other major players in the global market of international education and will examine the potential for mutual learning and transferability of promising practices between different institutions. The core argument is that various higher education institutions have successful and diverse practices regarding internationalisation, but they do not effectively exchange knowledge and experiences with each other, leading to missed opportunities for learning and improvement at an institutional level. This project aims, therefore, to understand how IoHE is defined, implemented, and experienced in Portugal, and to identify the barriers and facilitators to mutual learning and knowledge transfer in this context. Against this background, the current project has three core objectives:Objective 1 – provide a comprehensive analysis of the ways in which internationalisation is defined and understood at three different levels: macro – European; meso – national; and micro – institutional.Objective 2 – identify internationalisation practices implemented in Portuguese higher education institutions (HEIs) and assess their potential for mutual learning and transferability.Objective 3 – examine barriers and facilitators to mutual learning on internationalisation and the transferability of promising practices between different HEIs in Portugal.To achieve these objectives, a combination of diverse methods will be employed, such as document analysis, surveys, interviews with key stakeholders, policy Delp...
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Trata-se de um estudo exploratório observacional que visa identificar indicadores chave de saúde menstrual, que sejam comparáveis, robustos e relevantes para as políticas de saúde e promover a sua integração nos sistemas nacionais de informação de saúde franceses e portugueses através de uma abordagem participativa e metodologias de consenso. São objetivos específicos do presente estudo: 1. Cocriar uma definição operacional de saúde menstrual através de um painel Delphi com peritos e stakeholders a nível multidisciplinar e multissetorial em França e em Portugal; 2. Identificar indicadores de saúde menstrual que sejam social e culturalmente adequados aos contextos específicos; 3. Identificar oportunidades e obstáculos para a adoção de indicadores que permitam intervenções mais eficazes e culturalmente sensíveis. Ao destacar semelhanças e diferenças entre os sistemas de saúde de França e Portugal, identificar as melhores práticas e áreas a melhorar, e definir prioridades de investigação e intervenção, este estudo pode informar os processos de tomada de decisão e servir como um modelo para outros países que procurem melhorar as suas políticas de saúde através de abordagens participativas e baseadas em evidência.
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