Artigo em revista científica Q3
Cross-border interactions and European identity. What fosters a strong sense of European belonging?
Joao Henriques (Henriques, J.);
Título Revista
Comparative Sociology
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Países Baixos (Holanda)
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Web of Science®

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This article examines what types of cross-border interactions promote a stronger sense of European identity than national identity. Firstly, using data from the Eurobarometer survey a typology of cross-border practices is constructed and associated with differ- ent levels of European identity. Secondly, a qualitative study evaluates the life course of 36 individuals involved in a European binational relationship. Both interactions within and outside Europe are assessed. The findings show that three types of interac- tions might promote a strong identification as European. Intra-European Integrative interactions, involving a certain level of integration into the host society (in economic, educational and social systems) and associated with long-term stays. Multicultural interactions, involving a setting of shared activities and cooperation between indi- viduals of several European nationalities. Outside Europe interactions, that put Europe at perspective between the “we” and the “others”. On the opposite, the effect of Non-Integrative (sojourns) and short-term stays might be negligible.
European identity,Cross-border interactions,Present integrative interactions,Past integrative interactions,Multicultural interactions,Outside Europe interactions
  • Sociologia - Ciências Sociais