CV Summary

João Camargo has a background in environmental and agrarian sciences and has completed his PhD in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies in June 2020 at Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa. He has worked on a wide variety of issues throughout his professional and academic career, with interdisciplinarity as a main characteristic of his studies, in particular after he became more engaged with climate change. He has participated in dozens of commissions, including the Water National Council (Conselho Nacional da Água), the National Commission of the National Ecological Reserve (CNREN) and coordinated the Scientific Commission of the Faculty of Agrarian Sciences in Universidade Lúrio, Mozambique. There, he was an assistant professor and taught the disciplines of Chemistry, Botany, Scientific Methodology, Taxonomy and Plant Systematics. He worked at Liga para a Protecção da Natureza for 4 years, as press liaison and policy advisor, from 2011 to 2015, and has been an activist and founder of the anti-labour precarity association Associação de Combate à Precariedade - Precários Inflexíveis, the citizen's audit on public debt and Climáximo, climate justice grassroots collective. He has published three books: Manual de Combate às Alterações Climáticas [Climate Change Combat Manual] (2018 and a Spanish adaptation in 2019), and Portugal em Chamas, como Resgatar a Floresta [Portugal in Flames, how to Rescue the Forest] (2018). In 2020 he published Mind the Climate Policy Gap in the journal Climatic Change. He has been invited as a speaker and keynote speaker to national and international conferences, having published 6 book chapters, 5 peer-reviewed journal articles, having organized 8 events and having participated in the scientific committee of two peer-review journals. He has long been an advocate of scientific extension beyond academia, having produced scientific materials and policy advice for the general public. He regularly writes for newspapers and magazines, about climate change, forests, environment, energy and labour. Some of the most relevant keywords in his CV and academic papers are: Climate Change; Climate Justice; Climate Policy; Social Movements; Protests; Just Transition; Political Economy; Climate Jobs; Energy Transition; Forest Fires; Landscape Planning; Forest.

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
Universidade de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies 2020
Universidade de Lisboa - Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Portugal - Lisboa
M.Sc. Engenharia do Ambiente 2008
Instituto Superior de Agronomia e Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária
Portugal - Lisbon
Licenciate Engenharia Zootécnica 2007
Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Medicina Veterinaria
Portugal - Lisboa
M.Sc. Produção Animal 2007