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Carla Sofia Ribeiro Murteira
CV Summary

Carla Murteira completed the Ph.D. in Social Psychology (2021), her studies focused on facial mimicry in intergroup relations.

She had received the Master's degree in Experimental Psychology at University of Minho (2010) and the Master's degree in Statistics and Information Management at University Nova de Lisboa (2015). She works as research assistant since 2011 in Social Psychology and Research Methodology´s projects.

Her research interests are on: mimicry, emotions, consumer behavior, feed behavior, social networks, statistics and methods.

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
ISCTE-Instituto Universitario de Lisboa - Escola de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas
Psychology - Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Psychology 2021
NOVA IMS - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Portugal - Lisbon
M.Sc. Statistics and Information Management - Marketing Research and CRM 2015
Escola de Psicologia - Universidade do Minho
Portugal - Braga
Integrated M.Sc. Experimental Psychology 2010