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Diego Lasio
CV Summary

Diego holds a PhD in Psychology from ISCTE - IInstituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal. Master in Psychology at the University of Cagliari (Italy), specialized in Systemic-Relational Psychotherapy at the Accademia di Psicoterapia della Famiglia of Rome (Italy) directed by Maurizio Andolfi. Diego is a research fellow in Social Psychology at the University of Cagliari (Italy) where he teaches Psychology of family relationship and Gender, sexualities and intersectionality. His research focuses on the discursive construction of gender and sexualities, analysing the related social practices of marginalization and discrimination. 

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
Scuola Romana di Psicoterapia della Famiglia
Italy - Roma
Post-graduation Corso di formazione quinquennale in psicoterapia ad indirizzo relazionale-sistemico (riconosciuto con D.M. del 31.12.93; G.U. del 25.01.94) 1999 - 2004
Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione - Italy - Cagliari
M.Sc. Psicologia 1992 - 1998