March 2018 - currently
Observatory for Roma Communities (Observatório das Comunidades Ciganas) at High Commission for Migration, Lisbon, Portugal. URL:
▪ Gather and make available studies related to the theme of Roma communities;
▪ Promote the publication of studies to improve the existing knowledge on the topic of Roma communities;
▪ Promote and publicize initiatives or events, such as seminars and conferences, to promote greater knowledge of the situation of Roma communities and / or allow the formation of the key factors on this issue;
▪ Publicize several activities and the combined knowledge, through various media, for a wide availability of information;
▪ Promote cooperation and coordination between the ACM, PI and scientific and academic institutions, at national and international level;
▪ Raise awareness and deconstruct myths, representations and / or stereotypes about the Roma communities.
Business or sector Public Institute
Jan. 2014- Dec. 2016
Postdoctoral Researcher
Emigration Observatory (Observatório da Emigração) at Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES), ISCTE-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal. URL:
▪ Collect, harmonize and analyse information on the evolution and characteristics of Portuguese emigration and Portuguese emigrated population, in particular by collecting data from the statistical institutions of the emigration destination countries;
▪ Disseminate all the compiled information, promote its availability and discussion with the general public, in particular with researchers, students, policy makers and journalists;
▪ Contribute, through its activity, for the definition and evaluation of public emigration policies based on information and knowledge about this domain of intervention.