CV Summary

Raquel da Silva is Assistant Professor in International Relations at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and Integrated Researcher at the Centre for International Studies (CEI_Iscte), Portugal. Since completing her PhD at the University of Birmingham, UK, in 2016, she has held two post-doctoral fellowships–a British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship (at the University of Birmingham) and a Marie Skłodowska-Curie-Individual Fellowship (at CEI_Iscte). She has also coordinated various research projects funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology, the British Academy, and the European Union, among others. Her research has examined different forms of non-state violence, from terroristic violence to football violence. Recently, she has also started exploring different forms of state violence, particularly related to counterterrorism practices and police brutality against racialised communities.  She has published a monograph entitled Narratives of Political Violence: Life Stories of Former Militants (Routledge, 2019),  co-edited four other volumes in the sub-field of Critical Terrorism Studies, and showcased her interdisciplinary research in a variety of peer-reviewed articles. Raquel has been a steering group member of the ECPR Standing Group on Political Violence since 2018 and is Associate Editor at Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. She tweets at @RaquelBPSilva

Psychology Social Sciences
Political Science Social Sciences