Comunicação em evento científico
, Ethnic judgement at laboratory of Morals: From tthe Portuguese Ciganos/Roma people differences to a plurality of discrimination arrangements,
Maria Manuela Mendes (Mendes, M. M.); Pedro Jorge Caetano (Pedro Caetano);
Título Evento
XII Congreso Español de Sociología, Grandes Transformaciones sociales, nuevos desafios para la sociologia,
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Mais Informação
On the European frame of a growing interdependence between States, Societies and Citizens, the challenge of cultural diversity arises both in terms of inclusion and efficiency. The answers to this challenge seems to lie in the implementation of policies to promote non-discrimination and enable effective forms of coordination. However, Portuguese Ciganos/Roma are a cultural and ethnic group who seems apparently immune to the efforts and kindness of these policies, mainly due to the enormous social and historical prejudice that affects their members. In this sense, we decided to put to the test a set of coordination possibilities about how to deal with Gypsies/Roma at school. In this context we surveyed 700 non-gypsies students from 3 Secondary schools of Great Lisbon in a classroom environment. Following a realistic sociology of action, we mobilize the scenario-based questionnaire in order to capture the normative expectations related to the most convenient way of acting in school with Roma students. There are several advantages associated to this methodology for a sociology of morality, such us, to capture a set judgment; and to articulate individual beliefs with the conveniences of the appropriate course of action in a situation. One of the main purposes of this paper is of course to show the great gains of this methodology for sociological investigation. Thus, a theory of morality is linked to a teleological theory of goods valuation. In addition to the hypotheses of action we asked respondents to justify their choice. It was thus possible to observe different reasons to act, regardless of the good mobilized in their judgment. The results show that the Ciganos/Roma must be socialised through tactical procedures or individualised through moral or functional devices in order to be assimilated. This proves that the choice of method was the most appropriate.