Comunicação em evento científico
Science and society in Portugal: Some structural challenges in an increasingly diverging Europe
Rosário Mauritti (Mauritti, R);
Título Evento
The 2th Homo Scientificus Europaeus meeting: a pan-European Scientists’ Community promoting an open science in an open World, Ateneus Barcelona, 16 Mai 2017.
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In this communication I begin by presenting, with some indicators, a historical perspective on the Portuguese scientific and technological system; on a second level I’ll discuss what are the main challenges facing science and higher education today: in a context hit by recession and economic and budgetary problems, also marked by the increasing internationalization and Europeanization of the system, which public policies for science, technology and higher education are necessary in the near future? In the answer I will focus on the policies that have been being implemented in Portugal since 2016, in the framework of an open democratic discussion, involving civil society (rectors and presidents of higher education institutions, trade unions and associations of researchers), as well as all parties represented in the Portuguese Parliamentary; thus emphasizing two dimensions of active Policies: one directed to people (specially the researchers trying to reduce the share of precariousness); the other to the system as a whole, in their internal and international relationships and enlarged cooperation.
Science,Science politics,Researchers,precariousness and uncertainty of research condition