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Roberto, S. & Moleiro, C. (2011). Psychological well-being in Brazilian and Cape Verdean immigrants in Portugal: the impact of social support as a moderator of acculturation stress. 12th European Congress of Psychology.
S. G. Roberto and C. M. Moleiro, "Psychological well-being in Brazilian and Cape Verdean immigrants in Portugal: the impact of social support as a moderator of acculturation stress.", in 12th European Congr. of Psychology, Istambul, 2011
@misc{roberto2011_1737689830022, author = "Roberto, S. and Moleiro, C.", title = "Psychological well-being in Brazilian and Cape Verdean immigrants in Portugal: the impact of social support as a moderator of acculturation stress.", year = "2011", howpublished = "Digital", url = "" }