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Export Reference (APA)
Marsili, M. (2022). The Lexicon of War. Encontro Ciência 2022 (Ciência 2022).
Export Reference (IEEE)
M. Marsili,  "The Lexicon of War", in Encontro Ciência 2022 (Ciência 2022), Lisboa, 2022
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	author = "Marsili, M.",
	title = "The Lexicon of War",
	year = "2022",
	doi = "10.5281/zenodo.6469682",
	howpublished = "Digital",
	url = "https://www.encontrociencia.pt/2022/"
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TI  - The Lexicon of War
T2  - Encontro Ciência 2022 (Ciência 2022)
AU  - Marsili, M.
PY  - 2022
DO  - 10.5281/zenodo.6469682
CY  - Lisboa
UR  - https://www.encontrociencia.pt/2022/
AB  - The term "hybrid" gained widespread use in military and political discourse; it grabbed the headlines and eventually reached the general public. We refer to "hybrid warfare" or "hybrid conflict", most likely without fully comprehending the term's meaning and ramifications. The question is whether and when hybrid warfare should be regarded an armed attackthat exceeds the threshold of damage and devastation caused by a kinetic action. The purpose of this article is to provide light on the consistency of the growing doctrine of hybrid warfare with current international (humanitarian) law, beginning with a lexical and logical analysis of the words.
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