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Oliveira, V. & Nunes, F. G. (2023). 20 years of non-profit (organizational) identity scholarship. XVIII PhD Meeting - Building Bridges: Psychology in an interconnected, unequal and changing world.
V. D. Oliveira and F. G. Nunes, "20 years of non-profit (organizational) identity scholarship. ", in XVIII PhD Meeting - Building Bridges: Psychology in an interconnected, unequal and changing world, Lisboa, 2023
@misc{oliveira2023_1736883917995, author = "Oliveira, V. and Nunes, F. G.", title = "20 years of non-profit (organizational) identity scholarship. ", year = "2023", howpublished = "Ambos (impresso e digital)", url = "http://phdmeeting.dpso.iscte.pt/" }