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Borges, P. N. (2022). Lead us not in migration: Improved Vernacular Architecture in Portuguese Villages 1958-75. In VAF 2022 Conference Papers. San Antonio TX US: VAF.
P. A. Borges, "Lead us not in migration: Improved Vernacular Architecture in Portuguese Villages 1958-75", in VAF 2022 Conf. Papers, San Antonio TX US, VAF, 2022
@inproceedings{borges2022_1736716611718, author = "Borges, P. N.", title = "Lead us not in migration: Improved Vernacular Architecture in Portuguese Villages 1958-75", booktitle = "VAF 2022 Conference Papers", year = "2022", editor = "", volume = "", number = "", series = "", publisher = "VAF", address = "San Antonio TX US", organization = "VAF", url = "https://www.vafweb.org/2022-PaperSessions" }