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Agrarian Reform in the context of the Portuguese revolution
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Old and New Worlds: the Global Challenges of Rural History
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The Agrarian Reform is a fundamental issue in the Portuguese revolution of 1974. It reflected the moment, the enthusiasm, the popular adhesion, as well as the ongoing political evolution, with all its forward and backward movements, mistakes and corrections, and divergent political behaviours of the successive governments. The Alentejo region has the lowest population density in Portugal and it occupies 41 percent of the country. In 1975 it was the stage for a political and social movement quite new and bold from a legal perspective. From a case study, this research analyses a critical issue for its time, for it affected a strategic sector, it implied political decisions which concerned the use and possession of the land and the general functioning of the local political institutions and society. There was an alteration on the concept of property, which was so clearly imbedded into legislation since the Liberal Revolution of the early nineteenth century. For the first time new laws defined principles of economic sabotage and ownership limits and originated unprecedented land occupation. According to the 1975 agrarian law, there was a clear intention to “liquidate fascism and its bases” and create “a general base for attacking large properties and the capitalist exploitation of land”. These laws were associated with others regarding the nationalization of strategic sectors such as industry, transportation, banks and communications. How did society react in face of such changes in politics, economy and social structure? What made people take to the streets and obtain control of local government and economic resources? For this research there was a consistent study of local sources, as well as an important gathering of local memories through interviews.
Agrarian Reform, Revolution, Labourers, Land occupations