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Calidad y satisfacción en el servicio de urgencias hospitalarias: análisis de un hospital de la zona centro de Portugal
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Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa
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The health service quality has been discussed in several organizations committed with the development of the programs and actions capable to attend the expectations of their patients. The aim of this work is to analyze the relationship among the variables quality, satisfaction, image, trust and loyalty (in the perspective of the recommendation and return) in the context of the emergency care in the Portugal Center Area. For such the Partial Least Squares technique was applied to a structural model. The results show that the image or reputation of the service of urgencies doesn't contribute in a significant way to increase the trust in it, nor for the recommendation to other people. Trust is reached, above all, through the perceived quality. Patients’ satisfaction contributes to the recommendation of the service to the family and friends and to return in case it is necessary. The hospital top management is due of the importance of reducing the time of wait, improving the organization of the initial screen of the patients, and showing a real concern with the well-being of the patients to increase satisfaction and trust in the urgency service.
Calidad, Satisfacción, Fidelidad, Confianza, Imagen; Quality, Satisfaction, Recommendation, Trust, Image