Publicação em atas de evento científico Q3
Computability assurance for UML template binding
José Farinha (Farinha, J.); Pedro Ramos (Ramos, P.);
Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. Communications in Computer and Information Science
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Binding to a template in UML encompasses the substitution of that template’s parameters by compatible domain elements. However, such compatibility is scarcely verified by a minimal set of rules in the UML metamodel. As a consequence, binding to a template can result in badly-formed models. Such option in the design of UML was certainly intentional, since more stringent rules could prevent the development of richer semantics for the Bind relationship. But, while such semantics are not in place, problems may arise in several parts of a model just because of a bad, yet valid, template parameter substitution. This paper proposes a new set of validation rules for UML templates, introducing the requirement of Functional Conformance. Functional Conformance guarantees well-formedness and computability for elements bound to a template, consistently with the default semantics of the Bind relationship. It is formulated as OCL constraints on top of the OMG’s UML metamodel.
  • Matemáticas - Ciências Naturais
  • Ciências da Computação e da Informação - Ciências Naturais