Scientific journal paper Q2
Expansion of a plasma cloud into the solar wind
Luís Gargaté (Gargaté, L.); Ricardo Fonseca (Fonseca, R. A.); Robert Bingham (Bingham, R.); Luís Miguel Oliveira Silva (Silva, L. O.);
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IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
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United States of America
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Three-dimensional hybrid particle-in-cell simulations, with kinetic ions and fluid electrons, of a plasma cloud expansion in the solar wind are presented, revealing the dynamics of the expansion, with shock formation, magnetic field compression, and solar wind ion deflection around the plasma bubble. The similarities of this system with a magnetosphere are also pointed out.
Diamagnetic cavities,Magnetospheres,Solar wind interaction
  • Physical Sciences - Natural Sciences
Funding Records
Funding Reference Funding Entity
SFRH/BD/17750/2004 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
POCI/66823/2006 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia