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Looking to Europe through educational inequalities
Título Evento
Mid-term International Conference, RN 10 Sociology of Education ESA
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This presentation aims to contribute for the analysis of educational inequalities in Europe and its implications for the recognition of other inequalities, development processes and citizenship. The analysis of educational inequalities found in the various national populations also allows to make inferences about the potential for social change, justice and rights, inclusion and effectiveness of educational systems. This work allows to test the analytical possibilities of indices and indicators relatively unusually in sociology of education, such as the Gini index of education, reporting, in the first moment, the magnitude of educational inequality in Europe as a whole and the comparison between countries. In the further step, we identify the areas of greatest educational inequality and their relation to the other features of the socio-educational structure, and other forms of inequality, notably income inequality. This analysis will be enhanced through the comparison of various social segments, taking into account, in each country, nationality, sex and generations of Europeans, allowing to complexify an integrated analysis of educational inequalities densely intertwined with other inequalities. We will also present a diachronic vision for the last decade, particularly with regards to cross reading indicators of educational and income inequality. The main empirical reference is the European Social Survey, taking into account the years of implementation of the survey (2002-2012). Other sources will also be used, for better contextualization, including Eurostat and OECD.
Educational inequalities,Europe,comparative perspective