Scientific journal paper
Networked life world: four dimensions of the cultures of networked belonging
Gustavo Cardoso (Cardoso, G.);
Journal Title
Observatorio (OBS*)
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This paper discusses the possible building of a networked life world, using the power of sharing with others values and practices. It is argued that mediation practices are not just giving rise to networked communication, changing our media culture and our values and beliefs as citizens of a global network society. It is argued in this paper that changes in mediation are also creating the conditions to foster the creation of a networked life world. When we change the symbolic meaning of possession of property, production and distribution, while disseminating such practises and values through social mediated networks it is, at least, conceivable that we will face a growing disruption of old narratives ability to sustain lifeword collective identity and its challenge through the adoption of new ones capable of reconstructing such identity.
Networked Society,Lifeworld,Networked belonging,Piracy cultures,Cloud cultures,Openess cultures,Social Networks