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Ano Tipo de publicação Autores Título Publicada em... Citações Web of Science® Citações Scopus
N/A Artigo em revista científica Caleiras, J.; Carmo, R. M.; The politics of social policies in Portugal: Different responses in times of crises Social Policy and Administration 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Ribeiro, I. M.; Rosa, J.; Xavier, A. I.; Franco-German leadership in the context of EU defence policy: From Brexit to the strategic compass Journal of Contemporary European Studies 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Cunha, M. P.; Leite, A. N.; Rego, J.; Hernández-Linares, R.; Visibilizing and managing paradox: Redefining the role of non-executive directors Corporate Governance 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Mineiro, J.; Political communication and mediatic urgency: An ethnographic approach of Portuguese parliamentary journalists at work Journalism Practice 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Teixeira-Santos, L.; Bobrowicz-Campos, E.; Abreu, W.; How can we help? A training needs assessment for non-health professionals and volunteers working with asylum seekers and refugees Journal of Public Health -- 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Rego, J.; Meyer, M.; Reis Júnior, D.; Cunha, M. P.; Wise leaders fostering employees’ speaking up behaviors: Developing and validating a measure of leader-expressed practical wisdom Review of Managerial Science 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica P. Cavalheiro, B.; Prada, M.; Rodrigues, D. L.; Examining the effects of reciprocal emoji use on interpersonal and communication outcomes Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Valquaresma, A.; Batel, S.; Afonso, A. I.; Guerra, R.; Silva, L.; The renewable energy transition and “the People”: Exploring the intersections of right-wing populism and the renewable energy transition in Portuguese media discourses Environmental Communication 0 0
N/A Artigo em revista científica Mesquita, C.; Carvalho, M.; The carbon footprint of common vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals in Portugal: An estimate, comparison, and analysis International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 1 4
N/A Artigo em revista científica Magaly, N.; Monteiro, L.; Santos, C.; Diniz, E.; Guimet, M.; Ugarte, A.; Marinelli, F.; Father’s engagement in direct care is associated with children’s social competence for preschool boys but not girls in Peru Psychology of Men and Masculinity -- 0