Publicação em atas de evento científico Q2
Second order swarm intelligence
Vitorino Ramos (Ramos, V.); David Rodrigues (Rodrigues, D. M. S.); Jorge Louçã (Louçã, J.);
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. HAIS 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
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An artificial Ant Colony System (ACS) algorithm to solve general-purpose combinatorial Optimization Problems (COP) that extends previous AC models [21] by the inclusion of a negative pheromone, is here described. Several Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) were used as benchmark. We show that by using two different sets of pheromones, a second-order co-evolved compromise between positive and negative feedbacks achieves better results than single positive feedback systems. The algorithm was tested against known NP-complete combinatorial Optimization Problems, running on symmetrical TSP's. We show that the new algorithm compares favourably against these benchmarks, accordingly to recent biological findings by Robinson [26,27], and Gruter [28] where "No entry" signals and negative feedback allows a colony to quickly reallocate the majority of its foragers to superior food patches. This is the first time an extended ACS algorithm is implemented with these successful characteristics.
Self-organization,Stigmergy,Co-evolution,Swarm intelligence,Dynamic optimization,Foraging,Cooperative learning,Combinatorial optimization problems,Symmetrical Traveling Salesman Problems (TSP)
  • Ciências da Computação e da Informação - Ciências Naturais