Scientific journal paper Q1
Recent increase of tenancy in young Spanish couples: sociodemographic factors and regional market dynamics
Alda Botelho Azevedo (Azevedo, A. B.); López-Colás, Julián (López-Colás, Julián); Módenes, Juan Antonio (Módenes, Juan Antonio);
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Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
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The increase of the proportion of rental-occupied dwellings between 2001 and 2011 is one of the most outstanding results of the 2011 Spanish census. This study aims to explain this increase in tenancy, unveiling the sociodemographic factors behind this pattern at the individual level, and at the regional level clarifying the role of market dynamics in this change. Accordingly, using the microdata from the 2001 and 2011 Spanish censuses, multilevel logistic models are estimated. Two main findings can be drawn from this study: the recent increase in tenancy occurs concurrently with a process of convergence towards a greater acceptance of tenancy among sociodemographic groups, and changes in housing purchase prices have an impact on the likelihood of a young Spanish couple being tenants. The policy implications of these findings are twofold. On the one hand, a more active role in the regulation of housing purchase prices to deter speculative demand is needed. On the other, a greater demand for tenancy requires changes in the tenure composition of Spanish housing stock. Finally, having effective alternatives to homeownership, young adults could rely less upon family networks during the transition to adulthood which could ultimately contribute to a reduction in late parental home-leaving and encourage family formation.
Census data,Housing prices,Multilevel analysis,Renting Spain
  • Sociology - Social Sciences
  • Social and Economic Geography - Social Sciences