Scientific journal paper Q1
Reclaiming the politics of South-South cooperation
Thomas Muhr (Muhr, T.);
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United Kingdom
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Framed by the North–South conflict, this article conducts a historico-conceptual analysis of the politics of South-South cooperation (SSC) from a decolonial Global South perspective. Based on documentary analysis and a review of academic SSC literature, three distinct periods of SSC post-1945 are identified: Concertation (1945–1981); Containment (1981–1995); and Cooptation vs Confrontation (1995–present). This periodization complements previous endeavours of its kind, whereby the rationale here is that a historical understanding of SSC politics and neo-colonial/imperialist counter-politics is indispensable for emancipatory social praxis. With co-optation of SSC backed by coercion as the Global North’s contemporary tactic within the strategy of re-Westernisation, I argue for the Global South to reclaim SSC as a strategy to move from delinking as de-Westernisation towards delinking as decoloniality in the context of crisis of the capitalist world order.
South–South cooperation,Global South,Decolonization,Decoloniality,Transformative politics
  • Earth and related Environmental Sciences - Natural Sciences
  • Economics and Business - Social Sciences
  • Sociology - Social Sciences
  • Political Science - Social Sciences
  • Social and Economic Geography - Social Sciences
  • Other Social Sciences - Social Sciences