Scientific journal paper Q1
Religion and gender: The Hindu diaspora in Portugal
Inês Lourenço (Lourenço, I.);
Journal Title
South Asian Diaspora
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United Kingdom
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As perpetuators of what is considered traditional knowledge, Hindu women in Portugal are assigned a new status through religion, thus replacing the male pujari. This article focuses on the Hindu diaspora in Portugal, and specifically on the role played by women in the construction of gender and religious identities, who, entrusted with new social and ritual responsibilities, contribute towards the cultural replication of their traditional community. As anthropological studies on gender in diaspora show us, the assignment of religious roles are used to recreate women’s social status in the ‘host’ country.
Gender,Hindu diaspora,Hinduism,India,Portugal,Postcolonialism
  • Sociology - Social Sciences
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Funding Reference Funding Entity
SFRH/BPD/63952/2009 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
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