Artigo em revista científica Q1
Spatial-temporal evolution of the current filamentation instability
Vishwa Bandhu Pathak (Pathak, V. B.); Thomas Grismayer (Grismayer, T.); Anne Stockem (Stockem, A.); Ricardo Fonseca (Fonseca, R. A.); Luís Miguel Oliveira Silva (Silva, L. O.);
Título Revista
New Journal of Physics
Ano (publicação definitiva)
Reino Unido
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The spatial-temporal evolution of the purely transverse current filamentation instability is analyzed by deriving a single partial differential equation for the instability and obtaining the analytical solutions for the spatially and temporally growing current filament mode. When the beam front always encounters fresh plasma, our analysis shows that the instability grows spatially from the beam front to the back up to a certain critical beam length; then the instability acquires a purely temporal growth. This critical beam length increases linearly with time and in the non-relativistic regime it is proportional to the beam velocity. In the relativistic regime the critical length is inversely proportional to the cube of the beam Lorentz factor . Thus, in the ultra-relativistic regime the instability immediately acquires a purely temporal growth all over the beam. The analytical results are in good agreement with multidimensional particle-in-cell simulations performed with OSIRIS. Relevance of the current study to recent and future experiments on fireball beams is also addressed.
Beam plasma instabilities,Filamentation instability,Spatial temporal growth of instability
  • Ciências Físicas - Ciências Naturais
Registos de financiamentos
Referência de financiamento Entidade Financiadora
267841 Comissão Europeia
KSC-2014-C1-049 Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
IBS-R012-D1 Institute of Basic Science Korea