Substitutability between drugs, innovation and growth in the pharmaceutical industry
Sofia Vale (Vale, S.); Felipa Sampayo (de Mello-Sampayo, F.); Francisco Camões (Camões, F.);
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10th Eurasia Business and Economics Society
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This paper establishes a relationship between the elasticity of demand for pharmaceutical intermediates and the growth rate for these interme- diates variety. We build a model that contains two sectors, one nal good sector producing treatments, and one intermediate goods sector produc- ing a di erentiated input used in the nal treatment. The e ects on the medicaments varieties' growth rate of the introduction of a scal in- strument over pharmaceutical producers' pro ts are discussed. When the scal instrument is a tax over intermediate rms' pro ts, R&D by rms in the pharmaceutical goods sector results in positive growth provided pro- vided there exists enough substitutability among intermediates assured by a patent system. Otherwise, a subsidy over pharmaceutical rms' pro ts should be considered to generate positive growth of innovation in medica- ments