Artigo em revista científica Q4
The coefficient of variation asymptotic in case of non-iid random variables
José Curto (Curto, J.); José Pinto (Pinto, J.);
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Journal of Applied Statistics
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Reino Unido
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Due to the widespread use of the coefficient of variation in empirical finance, we derive its asymptotic sampling distribution in the case of non-iid random variables to deal with autocorrelation and/or conditional heteroskedasticity stylized facts of financial returns. We also propose statistical tests for the comparison of two coefficients of variation based on asymptotic normality and studentized time-series bootstrap. In an illustrative example, we analyze the monthly return volatility of six stock market indexes during the years 1990–2007.
Coefficient of variation; Autocorrelation; Conditional heteroskedasticity; Non-iid random variables
  • Matemáticas - Ciências Naturais