Artigo em revista científica Q3
Validación del cuestionario de conflicto interpersonal en el trabajo (CIT) en empleados Españoles
Miriam Benitez (Benitez, M.); José Pérez (León-Pérez, J. M.); Jimena Y. Ramirez-Marin (Ramirez-Marin, J. Y.); Francisco J. Medina (Medina, F. J.); Lourdes Munduate (Munduate, L.);
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Estudios de Psicologia
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The goal of this paper is to validate the interpersonal conflict at work scale (CIT) in a Spanish population; the CIT is a bidimensional scale (task vs. relationship conflict). To accomplish this goal the authors performed two types of analysis in a sample consisting of 209 workers from different Spanish organisations. The first analysis aimed at confirming the factorial structure of the questionnaire and at testing its reliability (CFA). The second analysis aimed at testing the predictive validity of the questionnaire. The Spanish version of the interpersonal conflict at work scale showed good internal consistency. The results show best fit to a bidimensional model (task and relationship conflict) compared to a single factor model (interpersonal conflict). Moreover the relationships between conflict types and outcome variables such as psychological well-being and social support were different for each conflict type. Our findings support the come met validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the interpersonal conflict at work questionnaire (CIT) and its use is recommended in a Spanish speaking population.
Conflicto,Interacción interpersonal,Bienestar,Apoyo social
  • Psicologia - Ciências Sociais