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While the historiography about the behavior of the Partido Comunista Português (PCP) during the Salazarist regime reached easily an agreement, much more controversy arose from its role regarding the phase that followed the process of democratization (1974-1976) and Europeanization (1986). There are two main axes on which literature has not yet found a conclusive and uncontroversial synthesis. The first relates to the loyalty of the PCP to the nascent democracy. The second layer considers the nature of the relationship between the PCP, its soviet counterpart and, more generally, with the eastern European socialist regimes. This chapter aims to draw new interpretative lines that can shed new light on what was the impact on the Portuguese Communist Party, of one of the main events of the entire twentieth century: The Fall of The Berlin Wall.
Partito Comunista,Muro di Berlino,Democratizzazione
Classificação Fields of Science and Technology
- História e Arqueologia - Humanidades
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