Resumo CV

Roxana Andrei is currently an Integrated Researcher at CEI-ISCTE, specialised in International Relations, with a focus on Energy Security, Defence and Hybrid Warfare.

Roxana is an experienced researcher in the field of energy security, defence and maritime security, currently working on increasing the resilience and protection of critical energy infrastructure, and on countering hybrid threats to the European energy infrastructure and supplies.

At present, Roxana is leading the research project “Natural Gas at the Frontline Between the EU, Russia and Ukraine”, awarded by the Foundation for Science and Technology in Portugal and is collaborating as a senior expert in the European Defence Agency’s projects “Consultation Forum for Sustainable Energy in the Defence and Security Sector” and “Symbiosis: Offshore Renewable Energy for Defence”.

She is the author of the expert study "Protection of Offshore Critical Energy Infrastructure beyond National Sovereignty: military rules of engagement and barriers" (EU Publications Office, forthcoming) and of the book “Natural Gas at the Frontline Between the EU, Russia and Turkey: A Conflict-Cooperation Perpetuum” (2022, Palgrave Macmillan).

Roxana also holds extensive knowledge and expertise in the field of international security and conflict analysis, acquired as a professional working for the Council of Europe and for the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Coimbra in Portugal, in the field of International Politics and Conflict Resolution.

Qualificações Académicas
Universidade/Instituição Tipo Curso Período
University of Coimbra
Faculty of Economics - FEUC - Portugal - Coimbra
Doutoramento PhD in International Politics and Conflict Resolution 2015 - 2021
Macedonia University
Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies Department - Grécia - Thessaloniki
Mestrado MA in Politics and Economics in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe 2013 - 2015
University of Strasbourg
Institut des hautes études européennes - França - Strasbourg
Diploma de Estudos Avançados Human Rights Law Graduate Certificate 2009 - 2010
Babes-Bolyai University
Faculty of Political Science - Roménia - Cluj-Napoca
Bacharelato BA in Political Science 1997 - 2001
Áreas de Investigação
Defence and Security
Hybrid Warfare
Energy Security
Conflict Resolution
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais
Ciências Políticas Ciências Sociais