CV Summary

PhD in Territory, Risk and Public Policies from the Universities of Aveiro, Coimbra and Lisbon, Master of Risk Science at the University of Coimbra and a degree in Geography from the University of Coimbra. Since 2012 has been a research fellow at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra (CES-UC) in the projects " TsuRIMA - TSUnami RIsk MAnagement for spatial planning and civil protection", "FORLAND - Hydro-geomorphologic risk in Portugal: driving forces and application for land use planning" and " - Multi-source flood risk analysis for safe coastal communities and sustainable development". In 2023 was research assistant in the project "Risk-AquaSoil - Atlantic Risk Management Plan in water and soil" at the Center for Social Studies, also belonging to the Risk Observatory (OSIRIS). Over time he has participated in several research projects where acquired different skills and knowledge in the area of Risk Sciences. Among the tasks, stand out the assessment and analysis of territorial vulnerability related to overtopping and coastal flooding, development of methodologies for defining coastal typologies, the creation and development of a historical database of occurrences of coastal flooding and also of hydro-geomorphological origin, the construction of vulnerability indices, assessment and calculation of social and territorial vulnerability, identification and analysis of exposed elements, assessment and analysis of land use dynamics and elaboration of different cartographic outputs, namely risk and vulnerability maps. Also noteworthy is his knowledge and application of different GIS tools (desktop and mobile) and their different uses, namely in terms of applications in land use planning, risk analysis, management and assessment and flood risk management coastal. His research interests focus on resilience, risk assessment and management, social and territorial vulnerability, analysis and assessment of land use change, coastal flooding and coastal flooding adaptation strategies.

Earth and related Environmental Sciences Natural Sciences
Social and Economic Geography Social Sciences