Projetos de Investigação
Beyond Stigma: Diverse narratives and lived experiences of Sexual Pleasure and Sexual Empowerment amongst marginalised populations
The object of study is to examine the lived experiences of sexual pleasure and sexual empowerment of marginalised populations by answering three research questions:(1) how do gender and sexual norms and discrimination practices influence the ability of individuals to experience sexual pleasure and sexual empowerment, and which are the implications for the sexual well-being of marginalised populations? (2) how do sexual pleasure, empowerment, and sexual well-being vary over the course of a person's life and how do they interact with multiple identities and cultural/social contexts? (3) what are the ramifications of sexual stigma on sexual experiences, and how may sexuality education programmes/policies, address these? Orientação: Violeta Alarcão (CIES-Iscte) A qualitative approach based on biographic narrative interviews with representatives of minority groups is employed. The project intends to give space to marginalised voices, contributing to the production of academic-scientific works in sexuality studies and disseminating knowledge about sexuality to the wider public and privileged actors.
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