CV Summary

David Tavares is Phd in Sciences of Education/Sociology of Education in the University of Lisbon (2006), Sociology degree in ISCTE-IUL (1985) and master in Sociology in Nova University of Lisbon (1997). Coordinating professor at the Higher School of Health Technology of Lisbon (Scientific Department of Sociology), since 1999, coordinates the Permanent Observatory of Analysis and Monitoring of the Professional Insertion of the Diplomates by ESTESL and was president of the Scientific Council (between 2009 and 2012), advisor and arguing doctoral theses and master's dissertations in various courses of various universities. Researcher at the Center for Research and Studies in Sociology at ISCTE/IUL/University Institute of Lisbon, coordinated and integrated teams of various research projects since 1987, author of several national and international books, chapters and articles.

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Psicologia
FPCE - Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Ciências da Educação - Especialidade de Sociologia da Educação 2006
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
FCSH - Portugal - Lisboa
M.Sc. Sociologia Aprofundada e Realidade Portuguesa 1997
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Sociologia - Portugal - Lisboa
Licenciate Sociologia 1985
Research Interests
Sociology of Health; Sociology of Professions; Sociology of Education