CV Summary

Fernando Jorge Cardoso coordinates the office of strategic studies and development of the Marquês de Valle Flôr Institute, IMVF. He is a guest associate professor at ISCTE-IUL, member of the respective Center for International Studies and executive director of the Lisbon Club. He is an economist, graduated (1976) from Eduardo Mondlane University and a doctorate (1991) with public habilitations (2006) from ISEG, the Higher Institute of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon. In Mozambique, he was director of the School of Economics (1978-1983), advisor to the Minister of Planning (1977-1983) and general director of Maragra, a sugar company (1983-1985). In Portugal, he headed the Africa programme of the Institute for Strategic and International Studies (1991-2012), was vice-rector of the Modern University of Lisbon (2000-2007) and full professor at Fernando Pessoa University (2010-2012). Coordinated some 2 dozen research projects, conducted cooperation and development consultancies in various countries for UNDP, the EC, the Camões Institute and the PALOP-TL and organized and participated as a speaker in numerous national and international seminars. international. He was co-chair of the Organising Committee of the Estoril Conferences (2009 and 2011) and co-chair (2007-2015) of the Europe-Africa Policy Research Network (EARN), a group of 24 think-tanks and academic research centers from various European and African countries. . He was member of more tnah a hundred master's and doctoral juries, is the author or co-author of a dozen autonomous books and publications and around half a hundred articles in books and academic journals, and has made numerous oral and written communications at academic and professional events. He is a regular collaborator in various national and foreign media. Current areas of interest are sustainable development, geoeconomics and geopolitics, and African studies.