Research Projects
Dominance and mass-violence through Housing and Architecture during colonial wars. The Portuguese case (Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Mozambique): colonial documentation and post-independence critical assessment
What was the role of Architecture supporting Portuguese colonialism during the colonial war (1961-74)? Starting from the scarce bibliography that questions Architecture, Colonialism and War (He17;He18), but also pondering the interplay between Violence and Colonialism (LuMo14), the research focuses on the production of Housing during the liberation wars in the former Portuguese C ontinental Africa, and its repercussions in the immediate post-independence of Guinea-Bissau, Angola and Mozambique. It entails 2 phases: 1)assessment of the housing production carried out in the last 14 years of colonialism (and late Salazarism), considering the colonial society and the 3 agents of Colonial Public Works (C PW) involved, through archival and documentary treatment, cartography and historical description; 2)its identification and critical analysis in the immediate period of 1974/75 (abandonment, reconfiguration, appropriation) and its contribution to inequality in access and housing quality (plastic, technical, functional) by post-independence societies. The research explores the role of war in the emergence of control mechanisms based on Architecture and Urbanism, taking housing as epicentral. It observes 3 scenarios: a) Middle-class and affordable urban expansion neighborhoods, built over slums, to lodge and control populations; b) Settlements located in strategic economic areas; c) Rural resettlements resulting from the massive displacement of African peasants. A continuous reading between colonization and post-independence will be traced, relating the current right to housing with the different residential infrastructures inherited from the colonial period. In the 1st phase, the study considers 3 groups of inhabitants involved in colonial narratives: a) European settlers; b) Assimilados; c) African populations. It analyzes urban and rural landscapes and identifies the 3 main colonial agents: a)Self-employed Architects, in urban environments, using the architectural cultur...
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