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Maria Alba
Research Projects
Process of involving communities and interest groups in removing obsolete barriers and improving river connectivity in the Alviela basin
This project aims to plan and implement a process for involving communities and interest groups in the Alviela basin regarding the removal of obsolete barriers and associated measures to be implemented by GEOTA in the region, with the aim of improving the connectivity of the Alviela River. The engagement process to be proposed and implemented will be based on the principles and tools of participation and co-creation (Reilly et al., 2018; Gato et al., 2014) that have been identified and discussed by the most recent academic and grey literature as relevant to developing non-instrumentalized participatory processes (Fox et al., 2016; Germaine et al., 2021) and that allow for the effective participation of affected communities as communities of relevance (Batel, 2018; Ryder, Walker, Batel et al., 2023). These principles and methodological tools will be adapted to the context under study.
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