CV Summary

Academic qualifications: Master of Science from the Université de Montréal (Canada), a degree in Economics with a specialisation in Regional Development from the Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão of the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa and a postgraduate degree in Hotel Management from INESP - Hotelaria e Turismo/Associação dos Diretores de Hotéis de Portugal.
1.    Assistant Secretary General of the Portuguese Pavement Association (since April 2022).
2.    Team member of the European consortium "Bauhaus of the Seas Sails", funded in 2022 by the EU as part of the application for the development of the first "lighthouse demonstrators" of the New European Bauhaus and coordinated by the Institute of Interactive Technologies of the Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon, comprising 6 countries and 18 organisations (since 2021).
3.    Member of the team that prepared the application for the European Capital of Culture 2027 by the municipality of Oeiras - under axis 5 "Maritime Heritage and Culture".
4.    Executive Director of ISCTE-IUL's Hospitality and Tourism Centre (2008-2013).
5.    Expert for evaluating projects applying for funding from the European Union and the Financial Mechanism - Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway - of the European Economic Area, EEA Grants (European Economic Area and Norway Grants) (since 2008).
6.    Associate researcher at the ISCTE -IUL Research Centre | DINÂMIA'CET -IUL (since 2013).
7.    Consultant in Regional and Local Planning and Development, with various projects in the areas of business management and the development of institutional competences and strategic foresight within public and private organisations (since 1989).
8.    Consultant for: (i) ex ante and ex post evaluations of EU funding programmes; (ii) for the preparation of Projects of Potential National Interest (PIN) in the tourism sector; (iii) for Local and Regional Spatial Planning Plans; (iv) for the second generation of strategic plans for Portuguese Business Associations and Technology Centres; (v) for projects applying to the Urban Development Fund - Tourism, JESSICA Initiative (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas); (vi) for drawing up strategic and business plans for private organisations, among others (since 1998).
9.    Worked for ten years at the Ministry of Culture (1997-2006).
10.    She was part of a Ministry of Culture working group responsible for monitoring the drafting of the proposal for the European Union's Culture-2007 Programme, to run from 2007 to 2013.
11.    Participated in Strategic Reflection meetings on the programming period for Community Funding that led to the QREN-2007-2013 within the Ministry of Culture.
12.    Director of the Dance and Transdisciplinary Projects Department (2002 and 2003) at the Portuguese Institute for the Performing Arts of the Ministry of Culture (now the Directorate-General for the Arts).
13.    Worked for nine years with the Fundação Oriente (2001 -2009).
14.    Worked for seven years with the Batalha de Aljubarrota Foundation (2003-2009).
15.    Advisor to the Councillor for Culture at Lisbon City Council (2015 -2017).
16.    Head of the office of the Secretary of State for Tourism in the 22nd Portuguese government (2019-2020)