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Pedro Miguel Machado da Costa
Research Projects
Strategic definition and reflection on the cultural sector in Lisbon
Definition and strategic reflection on the cultural sector in Lisbon, with a diagnostic component and a concrete definition of strategic lines of action, within the framework of a new planning cycle, within the scope of the direct adjustment pre-contractual procedure launched by the City Council of Lisbon. Lisbon for this purpose. In this context, it is intended to promote and foster a participatory process of reflection and strategic planning on the cultural sector in Lisbon, based on an analysis and diagnosis on the conditions of cultural provision and enjoyment in the city, its main resources and assets, and its main dynamics, seeking, in a comprehensive and inclusive way, the involvement of agents in the consensualisation of action lines structuring for action in the cultural field by the municipality of Lisbon.   The work with a diagnostic component (combining the detailed analysis of much existing information with a broad auscultation of the cultural agents) and a component of definition of strategic lines of action, with the associated discussion with the CML and the main cultural agents of the county and with the implementation of a set of action lines and measures and structuring projects to be implemented at the municipal level, as well as a system of monitoring the action recommended.
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PERIURBAN - Peri-urban areas facing sustainability challenges:scenario development in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon
The main objective of this project is to assess the potential of these peri-urban areas to meet future challenges for sustainable development in a changing world. It aims to look in-depth into the peri-urban areas of the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon (AML), its environmental, social, economic and institutional characteristics using a prospective approach.Methodology: In order to achieve this goal this project aims at: (1) identifying typologies of peri-urban areas based on its ecological, social, economic and institutional characteristics for the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon; (2) creating visions for peri-urban areas according to their typology by developing scenarios for case studies based on: (a) understanding structural and functional dynamics of each typology, taking into account: ecosystems services provided by each typology, identifying vulnerabilities; economic activities, their innovative potential, and evolving demand patterns; perceived quality of life of resident population and their expectation toward future developments; governance models and spatial planning systems at local scale, assessing its potential for change; and (b) expert and stakeholder participation, identifying the specific challenges that need to be faced by each peri-urban typology, namely in terms of the formulation of sustainability quality objectives; (3) bridging scientific and practice by communicating knowledge acquired in research and into useful and relevant information for planners and decisionmakers, developing strategic planning guidelines and governances models with stakeholders, and envisaging orientations to deal with the challenges faced by peri-urban areas.
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A governance culture for the creative city: urban vitality and international networks
This Project intended to enlarge knowledge and to build strategic action lines over frameworks, dynamics and governance tools that may promote and strengthen urban vitalization, creativity and the cities’ competitiveness. Methodology was based on conceptual development for cross-disciplinary analytical purposes; survey of empirical information and bibliographical sources; mapping of quantitative and qualitative empirical information; confronting and enriching ongoing research with urban agents.
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