Ricardo Ribeiro (PhD) is an Associate Professor at Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, where he is the coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence scientific area, and an integrated researcher at INESC-ID Lisboa, working on Human Language Technologies. His current research interests focus on high-level information extraction from unrestricted text, speech or music, and improving machine-learning techniques using domain-related information. He has participated in several European and Nationally-funded projects and was the Human Language Technologies INESC-ID team coordinator in RAGE (2015-2019) European-funded project and the principal investigator of a Ministry of National Defence funded project on information extraction from text. He has participated in several scientific events, either as organiser or as member of the program committee (IJCAI, ICASSP, LREC, Interspeech) and was the editor of a book on the computational processing of Portuguese.