CV Summary

PhD, MA and BA in Sociology from ISCTE-IUL. Senior Researcher at CIES (2017-2020). Associate Professor at ULHT (2012-2017), where she had functions of Director of CPES - Centre for Research and Social Studies, of the Bachelor in Sociology , and of the Master in Sociology of Sport, Organization and Development; Lecturer of the FCDEF-UC (2003-2012), Assistant of the FMH-UL (1991-2012), and Sociologist of the DGD/IPDJ (1986-1991).

Member of the Commission of Science and Development of the Olympic Committee of Portugal and the Network "Sport for Social Inclusion and Development - Alliances for private-public action plans" under UNESCO, both 2017-2020; and of the National Monitoring Commission 2004 - The European Year of Education through Sport (2003-2004). Councillor for the National Sports Council and Council for Ethics and Safety in Sport (2007-2013), and the FCDEF-UC Ethics Board (2010-2016).

Developed research projects in the disciplinary areas of Sociology, in particular of Ethics, Sport, Communication, Culture, Leisure, Gender and Religion. Previous research projects deepen different issues, such as the social dimension of ethics; sport ethics and olympism; violence, corruption and doping in sport; prevention and safety; media and sports; sports habits; major sporting events and identities; gender in sport; discrimination and social inclusion through sport; new religious forms in contemporary societies and art.

Supervisor of several Master Degree, PhD and Post Doctoral Students in the thematic areas of Sport as Supply and Demand, Management, Leisure, Ethics, Olympism, Violence, Prevention and Safety, Sports Paralympic and Social Inclusion through sport.

Evaluator of the European Project SPIN - Sport Inclusion Network (2010-2011 and 2014-2017), and the European Project Good Hosting, Fewer Problems - information and training for institutions, social workers and police in preparation of Euro 2004 (in the field of prevention).

Member of the Board of ISSSS - International Society for the Social Sciences of Sport, 2013-2020, of the Extended Board of ISSA - International Association of Sociology of Sport  (1996-2000), and of the Board of the Portuguese Association of Sociology (2002-2004).

Author of a large number of national and international communications and publications.


Main Publications  (Marivoet,S)

15 Portuguese Language

[1] Marivoet, S. (2018). A inclusão social através do desporto: novos desafios na Intervenção Social. Lusíada. Intervenção Social, nº 47/48, 191-204.

[2] Silva, G. C. & Marivoet, S. (2018). Rutura e (re)construção de estereótipos de género. O caso do futebol feminino. In Constantino, J.M & Machado, M. (coords), Desporto, Género e Sexualidade (pp. 145-167). Lisboa: Visão & Contextos.

[3] (2016). Ética do Desporto Princípios, Práticas e Conflitos. Análise sociológica do caso português durante o Estado Democrático do século XX - Tomo I. Saarbrücken: Novas Edições Acadêmicas.

[4] (2015). Futebol: Um desporto de paixões e milhões. In Serra, C. (Coord.), Cadernos de Ciências Sociais – O que é Futebol? (pp. 13-40). Lisboa: Escolar Editora.

[5] Marques, M. & Marivoet, S. et al. (2015). Abordagem mediática sobre o desporto paralímpico: perspectivas de atletas portugueses. Revista Motricidade, vol. 11, n. 3, 123-147.

[6] (2014a). Ética, desporto e violência. In M. Renaud (coord), Ética e Valores no Desporto (pp. 141-154). Porto: Edições Afrontamento. 

[7] (2014b). O desporto como Palco de Proximidade e Inclusão Social. In Sanches, I. (org.), Para uma Educação Inclusiva. Dos Conceitos às Práticas, Volume III (pp. 9-24). Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.

[8] (2013b). Inclusão Social no e pelo Desporto. Um desafio do Século XXI. In P. M. Pinto (coord.), Olímpico. Os jogos num percurso de valores e de significados (pp. 91- 98). Porto: Edições Afrontamento.

[9] (2012). A Acção dos Média na Regulação Ética do Campo Desportivo. Um estudo de caso em Portugal durante o Estado democrático do século XX. In J.C. Marques e O.J. Morais (orgs.), Esportes na Idade Mídia: diversão, informação e educação (pp. 77-102). São Paulo: Edições Intercom.

[10] (2009). Subculturas de adeptos de futebol e hostilidades violentas - O caso português no contexto europeu. Revista de Sociologia Configurações, n.º 5/6, 279-289.

[11] (2006a). Euro 2004 TM  Um evento global em Portugal [Euro 2004TM A global mega- event in Portugal]. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte (143 p.).

[12] (2005a). O Desporto como meio de inclusão social nos estabelecimentos prisionais. Revista Horizonte, vol. XX - nº 119, 30-33.

[13] (2005b). Prática Desportiva nos Estilos de Vida dos Europeus: Obstáculos e Tendências. In R. M. Gomes (org.) Os Lugares do Lazer (39-53). Lisboa: IDP.

[14] (2001). Hábitos Desportivos da População Portuguesa [Sports Habits of the Portuguese Population]. Lisbon: MJD/INFED (194 p.).

[15] (1998). Aspectos Sociológicos do Desporto [Sociological Aspects of Sport ] (1). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte (127 p.).


15 Other Language



[1] Marivoet, S & Silvério, J. (2019). Football fan cultures after the Euro 2004 in Portugal, Journal Soccer & Society, vol. 20, n.º 4, June. 


[2] (2019). Ética e Inclusão Social pelo Desporto. In Ana Cláudia Couto et al. (orgs), GESPEL em Ação no Centro MG da Rede CEDES (pp. 29-44). Belo Horizonte: Utopika Editorial. ISBN: 978-85-67783-06-2

[3] (2016a). Le Spectacle. Conditions matérielles et bénéficies symboliques. In Football. À la limite Hors Jeu (pp. 36-39). Bordeaux: Musée d'Aquitaine.

[4] (2016b). Midiendo de la participación deportiva. Un análisis de los hábitos deportivos de la población portuguesa. In R. Llopis Goig (ed.) Participation Deportiva en Europe (pp. 339-358). Barcelona: Editorial UOC.

[5] (2014). Challenge of Sport Towards Social Inclusion and Awareness Raising Against any Discrimination . Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, vol. LXIII, 3-11. Retrieved from:

[6] (2011). The Ethical Problems of Doping in Sport, Facts and Regulation Process: The Portuguese Case in the International Framework. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto, 11(1) (Supl.1), 346-348.

[7] (2010). Sociological Approach on Sports Ethics in a Context of Social Change", Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, vol. XLIX: 39-52.

[8] (2010). Sous-cultures de fans de football et violence au Portugal”, Cahiers de la sécurité, n.º 11 (janvier-mars) : 129-139.

[9] (2006) “UEFA Euro 2004TM Portugal: The social construction of a sports mega-event and spectacle”, in J. Horne e W. Manzenreiter (eds) Sports Mega-Events: Social Scientific Analyses of a Global Phenomenon (pp. 125-143). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

[10] (2005). Euro 2004. In Berkshire Encyclopedia of World Sport. EUA: Berkshire Publisher.

[11] (2002a). Violent Disturbances in Portuguese Football. In Eric Dunning et al. (eds) Fighting Fans. Football Hoolliganism as a World Phenomenon (pp.158-173). Dublin: University College Dublin Press.

[12] (2002b). Asymétries dans la Participation Sportive. Les cas du Portugal et de l’Espagne dans le contexte européen. Revue SOE – Sud-Ouest Européen, 13, 105-112.

[13] (2002c). Le Public des Stades de Football. In M. Comeron et P. Vanbellingen (coords.), La prevention de la violence dans les stades de football en Europe (pp. 22- 28). Liège : Eurofan.

[14] (2002d). The Public at Football Stadiums. In M. Comeron & P. Vanbellingen (coords), Prevention of Violence in Football Stadiums in Europe (pp. 24-30). Liège: Eurofan [15] (2000b).

[15]  in co-authorship with Cláudia Pinheiro, Portugal. In J. Coakley & E. Dunning (eds.), Handbook of Sports Studies (pp. 553-554). London: Sage Publications.

Academic Qualifications
University/Institution Type Degree Period
Sociologia - Portugal - Lisboa
PhD Sociologia 2002 - 2008
Sociologia - Portugal - Lisboa
M.Sc. Sociologia 1990 - 1994
Arquitetura - Portugal - Lisboa
Advanced Studies Estudos Urbanos e Habitação 1986 - 1986
Sociologia - Portugal - Lisboa
Licenciate Sociologia 1981 - 1985
Research Interests
Sociology of Sport, Discrimination, Gender, Ethics and Social Inclusion through Sport, Religion and Art
Sociology Social Sciences