European market environment in the construction sector on sector. Enhancing the free movement of posted workers in EU
The project is an ‘evidence’ type of action addressing the need to enhance the implementation and correct application of Directive 96/71/EC, as amended by Directive (EU) 2018/957, and of Directive 2014/67/EU in the light of risks of vulnerability of posted workers due to COVID-19 and possible similar crises. Results shall inform policymaking on how specificities of posted workers can be dealt with in case similar emergencies arise in the future. The action targets mainly: Italy, Germany, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Spain through a network of sectoral funds (CNCE, ULAK, FLC Asturias, CASOC, and the umbrella organisation AEIP), research institutes/universities (FGB, ISCTE IUL) and a trade union (ZZ Budowlani). The lead applicant, CNCE, besides being directly involved in research activities, will coordinate the action with the support of FGB, tasked with scientific coordination, and of AEIP for dissemination activities. In addition, country-level research activities will be undertaken by ULAK for Germany, ISCTE-IUL for Portugal, ZZ Budowlani for Poland, and FLC Asturias for Spain. CNCE will hire an external researcher for Romania, to be supported by the associate organisation CASOC. Beyond having a balanced representation of sending and hosting countries, the action will focus on the construction sector, albeit exploring transferability of final results to other sectors. The action will deliver a set of reports: inquiring the impact of COVID-19 on posted workers (EU Report and 6 country reports), assessing measures meant to counteract the related negative effects (EU Handbook), exploring new tools to inquire pay, travel and accommodation arrangements offered to posted workers (Discussion Paper), and promoting procedures to be phased in quickly in case of risk of pandemics to address the particular position of posted workers (EU Toolkit and Final Report).
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- CIES-Iscte
- CNCE - Líder (Itália)
- FGB - (Itália)
- ZZ Budowlani - (Polónia)
- AEIP - (Bélgica)
- ULAK - (Alemanha)
- FLC Asturias - (Espanha)
- CASOC - Coordenador Técnico (Roménia)
Youth Employment Skill set in Posting
The project encompasses ‘cooperation’, ‘information’ and ‘evidence’ activities concerning posting in relation with skill and skill recognition in the construction sector. The action targets mainly: Italy, Germany, Spain (plus a focus on Autonomous Community of Asturias), Portugal, Poland, and Albany with the support of European Association of Paritarian Institutions (AEIP) organisation to reinforce dissemination potentialities beyond this set of core countries. The action is led by CNCE, with the support of FGB, and involves a partner in each covered country -ISCTE-IUL (Portugal),ULAK (Germany),Notus (Spain), FLC Asturias (Spain), ZZ Budowlani (Poland), Polis (Albania) -plus AEIP, as European level partner.The action will be managed by CNCE with the support of FGB. In addition, for each work package a coordinator is indicated, assigning AEIP the task of leading dissemination, and dividing the others between CNCE, holding coordination tasks and leading activities where the involvement of institutional stakeholders is crucial, and FGB, managing the more research-oriented phases.The project aims at improving the understanding of challenges and opportunities concerning posting in relation with skill and skill recognition in the construction sector, and at identifying solutions to remove related obstacles to fair labour mobility while contributing to a decent work agenda.Inparticular, the project answers the following specific objectives:(i) to promote transnational cooperation between stakeholders dealing with posting;(ii) to increase accessibility, transparency and quality of information available to posted workers and their employers;(iii) to promote evidence basis on skills as a driver for posting, understanding as well related barriers and opportunities.
Informação do Projeto
Parceiros do Projeto
- CIES-Iscte
- CNCE - Líder (Itália)
- FGB - (Itália)
- ZZ Budowlani - (Polónia)
- ULAK - (Alemanha)
- AEIPSP - (Bélgica)
- NOTUS - (Espanha)
- . - (Albânia)
- FLC Asturias - (Espanha)