Grupo de Comunicações Ópticas e Fotónica
+351 217903907

João Rebola

Optical Communications and Photonics Group (OCPG)


The Optical Communications and Photonics Group (OCPG) research group of IT-IUL focuses on optical communication systems and networks with the goal of expanding the data capacity transmission limits in fiber optics.

The OCPG studies and characterizes physical layer issues regarding optical fiber transmission, explores new components and system solutions, and develops and improves optical networking planning tools aware of physical layer characteristics. The final target is to test and ensure an enhanced Quality-of-Transmission (QoT) and a high-capacity throughput in optical communication systems and networks.

The research developed by the group is mainly theoretical (analytical and computational simulation) work and has an experimental advanced laboratory to perform proof-of concept demonstrations. The OCPG research work is typically within the Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) TRL2 and TRL3.

The main areas addressed by the OCPG research group are the following:

1.       Space-division multiplexing (SDM) systems supported by multicore fibers (MCFs): In last few years, the OCPG has developed and acquired a large experience in optical communication systems supported by weakly coupled (WC)-MCFs, and has a recognized work on the intercore crosstalk (ICXT) characterization in WC-MCFs. Current research targets involve: i) evaluation of ICXT influence on the performance of short-reach WC-MCFs systems with arbitrary skew and symbol rate; ii) design of high-core count WC-MCFs for short-reach bidirectional transmission links, iii) ICXT mitigation using neural networks in self-coherent short-reach WC-MCF systems; iv) reduction of the ICXT contributions by the use of mid-span isolators; v) investigation on the physical properties of MCFs deployed in stressful environments (with international industrial support and national company support).

2.      Multiband (MB) optical transmission systems and networks: The OCPG has developed research in MB C+L+S transmission by incorporating physical layer impairments (PLIs) and node architectures modelling on network planning tools for routing, modulation and spectrum assignment and network optimization. Current research targets involve: i) hardware components and cost analysis of node architectures for combined SDM/MB networks; ii) Development of routing, core, modulation format and spectrum assignment (RCMSA) network planning tools for combined SDM/MB networks that incorporate the impact of network nodes architectures and PLIs; iii) optimization of combined SDM/MB networks for increased data throughput, lower energy consumption and enhanced survivability


The experimental laboratory of the OCPG of IT-IUL is equipped with a 19-core MCF with
20 km indicated for experimental demonstrations of short-reach MCF systems. Signal generation and acquisition is performed by using arbitrary waveform generators and real-time oscilloscopes with maximum bandwidth of 40 GHz and sampling frequency of 256 Gsamples/s. The lab is equipped with electro-optical and opto-electric converters with 40 GHz of bandwidth and several optical devices as amplifiers, wide and narrow bandwidth filters, circulators, splitters, optical switches, polarization beam splitters/combiners, etc., indicated to implement experimental demonstrators in optical fibre communication systems. A temperature controlled chambre is also available in the lab.


The OCPG has currently (from 2025-2028) the coordination of a MSCA Doctoral Network “Multicore fiber applications and technologies (MATCH)”, with total budget 3.4M€, that involves 14 partners (13 European and 1 international) and grants support to 13 Doctoral Programs (PhDs).

The OCPG is currently involved in the MSCA Doctoral Network “Next generation high-speed optical networks for metro access (NESTOR)”, that runs from 2024-2027 and has a partnership with an industrial European company and the Lisbon underground company to create an innovative testbed with MCFs.


In the last five years, the OCPG has published 27 papers in journals, mostly Q1 journals, and 34 conference papers with international peer-review.

One PhD student and three MSc students are currently being supervised in the OCPG (with 3 PhD students expected in the upcoming year). In the last five years, the OCPG has successfully supervised / co-supervised 3 PhD students and 23 MSc students.

The OCPG has permanently open positions for PhD students and post-doc researchers.


Equipa de Investigação

Investigadores Integrados

Adolfo Cartaxo
Investigador Integrado
João Rebola
Investigador Integrado
Luís Cancela
Investigador Integrado
Tiago Alves
Investigador Integrado