Future communications with higher-symmetric engineered artificial materials

Main Objective: SyMat will investigate the lectromagnetic properties of new classes of metamaterials and metasurfaces. They are made of periodic cells invariant under higher symmetries, such as glide or twist symmetries. As an example, while a periodic structure is invariant under translations, a glide-symmetric structure is also invariant under a translation and a mirroring. These symmetries lead to marvelous uncommon properties: ultra large bandwidth of operation, reduced losses, scanning capabilities, and enhanced stopband for Electromagnetic Bandgap materials. They have the potential to meet the expectation of new communication devices.

Parceiros Internos
Centro de Investigação Grupo de Investigação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
IT-Iscte -- Parceiro 2019-11-06 2023-11-05
Parceiros Externos

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Equipa de Projeto
Nome Afiliação Papel no Projeto Data de Início Data de Fim
Sérgio de Almeida Matos Professor Associado (com Agregação) (DCTI); Investigador Integrado (IT-Iscte); Coordenador Local 2019-11-06 2023-11-05
Financiamentos do Projeto

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Outputs (Publicações)

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 Future communications with higher-symmetric engineered artificial materials